Security of payment means and systems
Payment systems and means:
Payment systems are the different platforms and infrastructure that allow the transfer of funds between economic units and ensure the safe circulation of money.
Alongside other units, Bank Al-Maghrib plays an important role in ensuring the smooth operation and security of these systems.
Cashless payment means are instruments that allow each individual to use the money he holds in his bank account to cover his expenses.
At the national level, most of the transactions are carried out "cash". However, the use of cashless payment instruments (checks, credit cards, money transfer and bills of exchange) is now evolving, and includes even the use of new technological tools for making payments, such as tablets and smart phones, which represent a new challenge in terms of risks.
All these payment methods are controlled by Bank Al-Maghrib, which identifies the risks, sets the security standards and ensures that they are respected.
This way, everyone can use any of these payment means with confidence to pay his expenses.