Financial Stability Committee


Chaired by the Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib, the Financial Stability Committee comprises, in addition to the Director General, the heads of the entities in charge of Macroprudential Supervision, Monetary and Foreign Exchange Operations, Economic Studies, Banking Supervision, Research, as well as the Supervision of Systems and Means of Payment and Financial Inclusion.

The Committee may also, at the request of the Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib, call upon the contribution of any person whose presence is deemed useful.

The committee is tasked with assessing the risks and threats to financial stability and examining measures to mitigate them. Within this framework, its responsibilities include:

  • To examine the developments in risk indicators and the mapping of risks to financial stability ;
  • Analyse systemic risks and vulnerabilities within the financial sector ;
  • Examine macroprudential policy and any instruments, measures or regulatory standards to be put in place, at banking and financial sector level, to prevent and mitigate systemic risks ;
  • Monitor the implementation of macroprudential policy ;
  • Assess the impact of macroeconomic policies on financial stability ;
  • Formulate proposals, where appropriate, for submission to the Bank's Board, the Systemic Risk Coordination and Monitoring Committee, the Ministry of Finance, on measures to be taken to address identified risks ;
  • Examine the annual report on financial stability, prior to its approval by the Systemic Risk Coordination and Monitoring Committee.

The committee meets semi-annually.

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