
All news
  • Bank Al-Maghrib puts into circulation new 20 dirham banknote

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  • Bank Al-Maghrib puts into circulation new 50 dirham banknote

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  • Bank Al-Maghrib annual report 2023

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  • Presentation of the 20th edition of the annual report on banking supervision 2023

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  • Nineteenth meeting of the Coordination and Systemic Risk Monitoring Committee

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  • Bank Al-Maghrib's Board Meeting - June 25, 2024

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Bank Al-Maghrib puts into circulation new 20 dirham banknote

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Bank Al-Maghrib puts into circulation new 50 dirham banknote

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Bank Al-Maghrib annual report 2023

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All official statements

Speech of the Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib during the International Days of Macroeconomy and Finance

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Speech of the Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib during the conference organized in collaboration with Banco de España

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Opening speech by the Director General during The "Global Payments Week 2023"

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All speeches

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