Conference: "Transformational Recovery: Seizing Opportunities from the Crisis" - June 23 - 24, 2022

In prelude to the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the IMF, which will take place in Marrakech in October 2023. Bank Al-Maghrib organized, in partnership with the IMF and the IMF Economic Review, a high-level conference in Rabat on June 23-24, 2022, under the theme: «Transformational Recovery: Seizing Opportunities from the Crisis». The event brought together public sector leaders from central banks and ministries of finance, senior officials from international organizations as well as experts from academia. Participants focused on the short- and medium-term challenges facing emerging and developing economies in the post-Covid-19 era, which have been exacerbated by the effects of the Ukraine war. They also explored the implications of structural change for the global economy and shared their experiences on artificial intelligence and trade integration. In addition to challenges related to public finance management, participants addressed issues of gender, inequality and inclusive growth. Given the recent events, discussions also tackled subjects like food, energy dependency and the climate transition
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Excerpt from the introductory remarks by Mr. Abdellatif Jouahri Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib

« … It is this desire and ambition to question the theoretical and empirical foundations of our policies and decisions that are behind the choice of the theme for this conference "Transformational Recovery”: seize the opportunities of the crisis ». This is a very different issue from the one we chose before the pandemic, which focused on economic integration and growth. Considering the diversity of topics that will be covered during the sessions we have scheduled and the quality of the speakers, I am convinced that these two days of debates and exchanges will allow us to identify relevant elements for our future choices and policies to strengthen the resilience of our economies while improving their performance… »


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June 23th, 2022 - Bank Al-Maghrib, IMF & the IMF Economic Review conference June 24th, 2022 - Bank Al-Maghrib, IMF & the IMF Economic Review conference

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