Balance sheet of Banks
In thousands of DH
assets To 31/12/2023 | Amount |
cash in hand, central banks, treasury and post office giro |
40,410,065 |
claims on credit institutions and the like |
206,758,100 |
- at sight |
31,471,328 |
- at term |
175,286,772 |
claims on customers |
966,504,018 |
- Cash and consumer loans and participatory financing |
319,654,830 |
- Equipment loans and participatory financing |
235,480,069 |
- Real estate loans and participatory financing |
282,377,678 |
- Other loans and participatory financing |
128,991,441 |
claims acquired by factoring |
30,254,824 |
trading and investment securities |
262,391,014 |
- treasury bills and the like |
157,132,617 |
- other dept securities |
18,194,201 |
- title deeds |
0 |
- title deeds |
87,064,196 |
other assets |
37,889,434 |
investment securities |
107,590,122 |
- treasury bills and the like |
94,135,980 |
- other debt securities |
13,454,142 |
- Certificats de Sukuks |
0 |
shareholdings and similar assets |
67,683,555 |
- Participation dans les entreprises liées |
54,467,535 |
- Autres titres de participation et emplois assimilés |
13,624,170 |
- Titres de Moudaraba et Moucharaka |
0 |
subordinate claims |
346,891 |
Dépôts d'investissement placés |
3,176,496 |
leases and letting |
3,212,000 |
Immobilisations données en Ijara |
916 |
intangible assets |
8,415,995 |
tangible assets |
21,499,603 |
Total |
1,756,133,033 |
In thousands of DH
liabilities To 31/12/2023 | Amount |
central banks, treasury and post office giro |
103,108 |
amounts owed to credit institutions and similar |
224,466,272 |
- at sight |
23,570,147 |
- time |
200,896,125 |
customer deposits |
1,167,413,376 |
- sight accounts |
819,799,891 |
- saving accounts |
182,756,728 |
- time deposits |
128,258,352 |
- other credit accounts |
128,258,352 |
Dettes envers la clientèle sur produits participatifs |
3,487 |
issued debt securities |
64,932,278 |
- negotiable debt instruments |
56,706,169 |
- bonds |
8,226,109 |
- other issued debt securities |
0 |
other liabilities |
40,090,376 |
provisions for losses and expenses |
21,559,787 |
legal provisions |
495,647 |
subsidies, assigned public funds and special guarantee funds |
3,725,329 |
subordinate debts |
62,257,892 |
Dépôts d'investissement reçus |
213,233 |
reevaluation differential |
420 |
reserves and share premiums |
115,891,345 |
capital |
29,708,886 |
shareholders, non paid-up capital (-) |
-48,000 |
retained earnings ( /-) |
13,125,346 |
proceeding allocation of net profit ( /-) |
-456,638 |
net profit of the year ( /-) |
12,650,889 |
Total |
1,756,133,033 |
In thousands of DH
Off-balance sheet To 31/12/2023 | col6-amount |
given commitments |
416,215,660 |
- financing commitments in favor of credit institutions and similar |
9,153,245 |
- financing commitments in favor of customers |
203,018,057 |
- guaranteed commitments ordered by credit institutions and similar |
61,187,731 |
- guaranteed commitments ordered by customers |
131,021,154 |
- securities bought with repurchase option |
4,189,759 |
- other securities |
7,645,714 |
received commitments |
168,316,794 |
- financing commitments received from credit institutions and similar |
4,360,040 |
- guaranteed commitments received from credit institutions and similar |
110,478,285 |
- guaranteed commitments received from the governement and guarantee institution |
47,409,307 |
- securities sold with option of repurchasing |
0 |
- other receiveable securities |
6,069,162 |
- Titres de Moucharaka et Moudaraba à recevoir |
0 |