Press releases

Bank Al-Maghrib Board Meeting - March 17, 2020

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Widening of the fluctuation band of the dirham to ± 5%

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Bank Al -Maghrib and the International Finance Corporation sign a Memorandum of Understanding

on Facilitating women's access to financing

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Bank Al-Maghrib and the Conseil de la Concurrence sign a cooperation agreement

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Bank Al-Maghrib reopens its newly renovated historic branch in Tangier

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Introduction of the new monetary index MONIA (moroccan overnight index average)

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Call for papers for the joint conference on “Economic Integration and Growth” to be held in Rabat, Morocco on June 29-30, 2020

Submission deadline : March 1st, 2020

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Tenth meeting of the Coordination and Systemic Risk Monitoring Committee

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Bank Al-Maghrib Board Meeting - December 17, 2019

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High–Level Regional Symposium on Financial Stability

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Bank Al- Maghrib receives ISO 37001 certification for its Anti-Corruption Management System

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Signing of a cooperation agreement on the prevention and fight against corruption

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Workshop on Libor reform and the introduction of a new Risk Free Rate

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International Days of Macroeconomics and Finance - 5th Edition

Marrakech, June 2nd-3rd 2020

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Bank Al-Maghrib and Paris EUROPLACE organize the 2nd edition of the Africa Blockchain Summit

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Bank Al-Maghrib co-organize with the AFI the global green finance conference

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Bank Al-Maghrib and the Central Bank of Egypt sign a Memorandum of Understanding

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Bank Al-Maghrib and Bank of Mauritius sign two Cooperation Agreements

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Bank Al-Maghrib and Paris EUROPLACE organise Africa Blockchain Challenge

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Bank Al-Maghrib Board Meeting - September 24, 2019

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