In millions of Dirhams
from 93 to 182 days |
3,016.00 | 2.570 | 4.100 |
from 32 to 92 days |
344.00 | 3.070 | 4.100 |
Total | 3,360.00 |
In millions of Dirhams
from 183 to 365 days |
885.60 | 3.000 | 3.200 |
more than 3 years to 5 years |
300.00 | 3.360 | 3.360 |
from 366 days to 2 years |
215.10 | 2.850 | 2.900 |
Total | 1,400.70 |
In millions of Dirhams
credit institutions & c.d.g. |
417.00 |
343.00 |
individuals |
340.70 |
insurance companies |
300.00 |
Total | 1,400.70 |
In millions of Dirhams
more than 2 years to 3 years |
500.00 | 3.260 | 3.380 |
more than 3 years to 5 years |
440.00 | 3.400 | 3.420 |
Total | 940.00 |