Interbank market

In millions of Dirhams

Settlement date Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
Maturities Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
Weighted average rate Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
In progress Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
31/05/2001 4.632 % 2256 3342
30/05/2001 4.635 % 2600 3686
07/06/2005 4.641 % 1573 1588
29/05/2001 4.642 % 2496 3582
24/06/2005 4.647 % 1288 1303
25/06/2005 4.647 % 0 1303
26/06/2005 4.647 % 0 1303
14/06/2005 4.651 % 1117 1132
15/06/2005 4.655 % 1193 1208
25/05/2001 4.666 % 2401 3487
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