Interbank market

In millions of Dirhams

Settlement date Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
Maturities Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
Weighted average rate Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
In progress Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
17/06/2020 1.840 % 10089 11614
29/12/2011 3.304 % 5724 11637
23/04/2015 2.507 % 6996 11639
02/12/2014 2.799 % 8185 11648
25/03/2015 2.500 % 7844 11662
09/07/2015 2.512 % 8117 11697
15/12/2015 2.506 % 4906 11705
11/04/2012 3.116 % 5325 11709
04/01/2012 3.296 % 4252 11741
30/01/2012 3.292 % 5200 11753
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