Interbank market

In millions of Dirhams

Settlement date Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
Maturities Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
Weighted average rate Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
In progress Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
01/08/2020 1.500 % 0 13735
02/08/2020 1.500 % 0 13735
12/12/2022 2.000 % 5437 13737
22/12/2015 2.506 % 6262 13751
31/03/2015 2.508 % 9985 13953
31/01/2023 2.504 % 6290 13980
21/12/2015 2.507 % 6964 14008
18/12/2015 2.505 % 7526 14070
19/12/2015 2.505 % 0 14070
20/12/2015 2.505 % 0 14070
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