MONIA INDEX (Moroccan Overnight Index Average)

In millions of Dirhams

MONIA index Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
Overnight volume Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
Reference date Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
Date of publication Login of the utitlisator Descending sort
1.913 % 8805 10/06/2020 11/06/2020
1.916 % 8421 09/06/2020 10/06/2020
1.915 % 8089 08/06/2020 09/06/2020
1.917 % 8493 05/06/2020 08/06/2020
1.915 % 7926 04/06/2020 05/06/2020
1.915 % 7782 03/06/2020 04/06/2020
1.922 % 8516 02/06/2020 03/06/2020
1.949 % 8408 01/06/2020 02/06/2020
1.922 % 6870 29/05/2020 01/06/2020
1.923 % 7354 28/05/2020 29/05/2020
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